CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2
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CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2
Hello there! Are you planning to go to Anime Midwest?
CODBO2RGM2 @codbo2rgm2 If you're planning to go, maybe you want to meet up someday at the convention? I'll either be dressed up as a Steampunk gentleman or Phantom Blood Dio
BurningHalo @burninghalo
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BurningHalo @burninghalo
Welcome to Maiotaku! Congrats on already getting featured (:
S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
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S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
You're already a Featured Otaku!
S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
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S1eEPy SheEPy Ch@n @sleepy_sheepy_chan
Welcome to MaiOtaku!
zestybasilpizza @zestybasilpizza
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zestybasilpizza @zestybasilpizza
Fucking LOSERDORK. Go clean up some cat piss
firestorm9832 @firestorm9832 Maybe I will!
raijinx @raijinx
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raijinx @raijinx
I see you have good taste in glamor in ffxiv lol. I currently have the White Fang set on me as well. Also welcome!
firestorm9832 @firestorm9832 Nice! I am like 3 wins away from getting the Ginga pipe. I like the pose youre doing what emote is that?
正義の味方 @gundamu
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正義の味方 @gundamu
Welcome new person, and fellow FFXIV player. :0
Which data center/server are you on? I'm on Crystal/Balmung myself. :u
firestorm9832 @firestorm9832 Hello! Im on Aether/Cactuar. Im surprised there are still so many people left in Balmung. After the data cebter spkit it seemed like so many people transferred
正義の味方 @gundamu Ah I just stuck on Crystal because my group of irl friends play there, and yeah there's still definitely a bunch of people on Balmung. Going to Ul'dah is a good way to make your framerate drop even on a beefy system. :u
firestorm9832 @firestorm9832 Lol ikr? Or Limsa. Its like you either wait forever to que for a duty because there arent enough people on, or you take forever to que for a duty because there are too many people on. Just cant win.
正義の味方 @gundamu Yeah, dps queues are always a nightmare. I mean I have tanks leveled and geared up so if I always want to just get dailies done fast I can just switch of course for instant queues but eh lately I've just been wanting to dish out sick dee pee ess so I've been playing DRG and SAM
firestorm9832 @firestorm9832 I mean I main healer so I could always have a faster que but even now sometimes Ill be 3rd in line. It is crazy
正義の味方 @gundamu Ah, I got a lot of respect for healers. You guys are on the frontline of picking up slack for dumb party members of any role. I do enough of that at my job so I couldn't ever see myself ever maining healer lol
firestorm9832 @firestorm9832 Healer is super easy tbh. Especially if youre playing WHM. Your regens do most the work lol.