Neo Tokyo [Movie]
Neo Tokyo, also titled Manie-Manie, is a 1987 is an anime science fiction anthology film produced by Project Team Argos and Madhouse. Conceived and produced by Madhouse founders Masao Maruyama and Rintaro, it adapts short stories by Taku Mayumura featured in the 1986 collection of the same Japanese title2 and is executive produced by publisher Haruki Kadokawa.
The 50 minute-long film has three segments, each under a different screenwriter and film director: Rintaro’s “Labyrinth labyrinthos,” an exploration into the maze of a little girl’s mind, Yoshiaki Kawajiri’s “Running Man,” focusing on a deadly auto race, and Katsuhiro Otomo’s “The Order to Stop Construction,” is a cautionary tale about man’s dependency on technology.